Events in US History
Historic US events coloring pages
American History Timeline Coloring Pages |
The Century of American Involvement
- America in World War I
- America in World War II
- Post War America
- The Cold War
- 1910 to 2000
The Space Program
- NASA and Early Satellite Programs
- Project Mercury
- Project Gemini
- Project Apollo - The Moon Landing
- The Space Shuttle
- The Space Station and Beyond
This series of American History coloring pages offers coloring pages specific to different periods in American History
over a timeline from the discovery of North America to the present time. Each section has a similar collection of coloring
pages that represent the events of that time period and then some additional coloring pages that are unique to that era.
These US history timeline coloring pages represent significant major developments, historic event or trends, special customs,
or other interesting US history items to color.
The US History timeline coloring pages are a fun way to learn about US History and to teach about many significant events.
We would love to add any additional historic coloring pages that you have drawn or have the rights to allow us to use. State governments,
industries, agriculture, civic clubs, museums,or businesses that are unique to a state are welcome to send us content that we could post to
showcase your state, event, location, or feature. Submissions should be quality drawings, suitable for coloring, in black and white photo format.
See our contact page to submit your drawings or ask questions.
